Fresh Fiction publishes the Review of Clare O'Beara (Amazon Reviewer) about The Devil I Paid for Advice:
A fascinating read. Professionally translated.

The Italian Magazine "Grazia" (Albanian franchise) gets inspired by my novel "The Devil I Paid For Advice,"
to write a full page article. See the November 2014 edition. Thank you "Grazia"!

ACE- Albanian Canadian Excellence
Books For A Better World
Libra Per Nje Bote Me Te Mire
Jeta's Interviews
Interviewed By Jeta
Don’t let me go away!
In a dream of craziness, I’m going through
I melt in joy and crouch in fear
I’m dreaming of flying over endless oceans
In faraway places, my heart to tear
Dreaming of flying after a hope
My hope is lost, my way is lost
I want to go and I don’t, I don’t
Oh, wake me up from this madness ghost.
But where should I go, escaping away
Where should I look for an Albanian word
Where should I find a friend, who can listen
When I speak in vain or tweet like a bird.
But how can I leave my silver-haired mother
Forget a good word or a bitter one
How can I leave a song, that’s unsung
An unfulfilled desire or an undone fun.
Oh, wake me up from this madness, now
Don’t let me leave. I’m begging you, see?
I’ll be forgotten in the world, somewhere
With my heart in pain and never free.
Jeta Vojkollari
Special Prize, "Frang Bardhi" Contest - 2014
Mos me lini te largohem!
Jetoj nje ender cmendurie
Tretem ne gaz strukem ne frike
Te fluturoj mbi oqeane
Ne arrati ndoshta, nje dite.
Te fluturoj une pas nje shprese
Se me ka humbur shpresa mua
Zgjomeni ju nga marrezia
Te shkoj dhe dua, edhe s'dua.
Po ku te iki, ku te shkoj
Nje fjale shqip ku ta kerkoj
Po ku ta gjej nje mik nje shok
Te me degjoje dhe kur flas kot.
Po ku ta le nenen e thinjur
Nje fjale te mire, nje fjale te hidhur
Te le nje kenge pa kenduar
E nje deshire pa plotesuar. Ref.
Zgjomeni ju nga marrezia
E mos me lini te largohem
Te me haroje dashuria
E diku larg, vete te harohem.
Jeta Vojkollari